Racing Behind the Scenes
We show up on race day ready to race. We have done our training and have prepared to toe the starting line. The familiar sites of a race surround us. Registration where we retrieve our bib. The start and finish lines. The tents of the vendors that are there to display their services and products.
We are fortunate that we can we just show up and race. The luxury of not having to think about anything besides our race is great. But what if we did think about the work that goes into planning, producing, timing, and managing our races? Would we have a different appreciation for each race we do whether it is a running, cycling, swimming. or triathlon event?
Over the past months I have had the opportunity to explore of the behind the scenes of racing. I was not prepared for the lessons that I would learn along the way. But I am thankful for what I have learned because now when I show up to any race my perspective has shifted for the better.
What goes into planning a race or event? The simple answer - A LOT!
- Deciding what type of event, the location, and the date
- Setting the goals of the event, getting the permits, and planning the logistics
- Building a budget, finding sponsors, and promoting the event
- Everything that happens the day of the race
- Raping up post event
This list is even simplistic because there is so much within the overall topics. For example, think about the aspect of volunteer recruitment or the work that goes into prepping bibs for race day. All of this takes time, effort, and energy. None of it happens over night. There are people behind the scenes and day of making sure that race day is special for each and every participant.
It is easy to get lost in race day and forgot about the people behind the scenes. But what if we didn't forgot about them and stepped into their shoes and spent the time learning? Would we appreciate the event even more and the people who worked to make the event happen? In my opinion the answer is YES!
There is such a value in volunteering to help with tasks leading up to race as well as race day. They are very different experiences but both worth while in different ways. Take, for example, bib prep which is done before the race. That might involve assigning waves, printing out labels for bibs, attaching timing tags, affixing labels to the bibs, and alphabetizing the bibs. All of this work that might sound boring and tedious actually makes a big impact on race day. The efficiency of racers being able to pick up their bibs and be timed on race day is made possible because of this work. Now let's look at race day volunteers. They might help with setting up the event or handing out water. Because of these people racers have a course and water at the end handed to them. It helps make for a great race experience.
So next time you are out a race course make sure to say thank your to race volunteers and staff and consider volunteering to help with an event. I promise it is worth your time and will bring a deeper appreciation for each event that you do!
If you are interested in learning more about event planning click here. Active has a collection of articles that provides more detailed information and can help give everyone a better idea of the work that happens.
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